Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sabbath Sunday

Fr. Christian Mathis (Blessed Is the Kingdom) has made the suggestion that we "rest" on the Sabbath by taking a break from our normal blogging and sharing an older post of which we are particularly fond. Rest? Gladly! I don't get to do that very often, but now, thanks to Fr. Christian, I get to do it at least once a week -- and it gives me more time to spend with God, which is a wonderful gift.

For this week, I selected a post from my 100th Lamb blog that seemed somewhat appropriate to the H2 Helper theme: Today's Drama.

Have a restful and peaceful Sabbath!


  1. God bless you and your blog. I am a franciscan frier. Do you know the Brazil?
    Peace and good!

  2. Thank you for your comment. Yes, I do know Brazil, quite well, in fact. From 1998-2005 I spent a lot of time going back and forth to Brazil from California, helping improve educational programs for the government and for private institutions. I have done a lot of work in Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre (did many different things there, including teaching Russian at the Federal University and being an author at the 2004 Book Fair), and I have worked as well in Belem (LOVE Belem), Bahia, Curitiba, Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Goania, Campinas, and a couple of other places. I still have friends in Brazil although I have not returned there in five years; we stay in touch be email. Where do you live in Brazil?
