Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Final Act of Kindness

A police officer's random act of kindness was caught on tape last week, just minutes before he was gunned down. 'Today' correspondent Lee Cowan chronicles the touching story of Jeremy Henwood's final good deed. Footage from Henwood's funeral rolls as Cowan reports, "As thousands mourned the loss of San Diego police officer Jeremy Henwood last weekend, a quiet story of kindness began to emerge." Henwood, a Marine, had just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan only to be killed by a petty thief. "As the investigation continued and the eulogies were being written, this surveillance video surfaced," Cowan explains.

In the footage, Henwood waits for his meal at a McDonalds when 13-year-old Damien Tinsley comes up to ask him a question. "I asked him for 10 cents, and he said 'What is the 10 cents for?' And I said 'Three cookies.' And he said, 'Well I could buy the three cookies for you,'" Tinsley recounts. In the security camera footage, Tinsley smiles as the officer chats with him and buys him cookies.

-- from the Internet

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